Breakfast Club
7.40am – 8.30am
Our fun and friendly breakfast club offers children a healthy breakfast, including cereal, pastries, toast, fruit and a drink. Pupils can then enjoy a calm activity, such as lego or arts/crafts, before they are taken down to class.
Breakfast club is run in the school hall, parents/pupils can access the hall via the school’s side gate (at the rear of the staff carpark).
Please pre-book your session, in advance, via Scopay – the cost for each session is £3.90 per child, this cost includes their breakfast.
After School Club
We run two options for after school care.
We are using the Scott Centre for a full 3-6pm offer, which is booked directly via the Scott Centre. They collect the children from us at 4pm and you are able to pick them up directly from the Scott Centre between 4-6pm. Their prospectus is available to view here. If your child is attending these sessions, we do not charge to look after them between the end of the day and the collection bus.
We run a school-based 3-4pm wrap around care club, which costs £4 daily, this can be signed up to on Scopay – it is listed as After School Club.
During this club, children will be able to enjoy games in the garden and our indoor spaces for arts/crafts etc. We are limited to 16 spaces for all clubs, so please sign up early to avoid disappointment.