Smannell & Enham Church of England (Aided) Primary School

To love, to learn, to live... to leave a legacy

Smannell & Enham - Church of England (Aided) Primary School

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is funding, provided from the Government to improve educational outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in state-funded schools in England.

There are three elements to pupil premium funding;

a)   An element of funding for children with parents in the regular armed forces – this is often called ‘Service pupil premium’ – this includes children whose parents have served in the last 6 years but may have left the armed forces in that time. In 2024-25 this equates to £340 per pupil.

b)   An element of funding for children eligible for free school meals through financial hardship (not all of those in Years R, 1 & 2 though who have universal infant free school meals). In 2024-25, this equates to £1480 and also applies to those who have been in receipt of or qualified for FSM in the last 6 years.

c)   A third element of funding is available for children who have previously been looked after by a local authority (PLAC) or who are currently looked after by a local authority (LAC).  In 2024-25, this equates to £2570 per child.

Although this funding can be linked to individual children, it is not a personal budget and can be used to support better educational outcomes for others, including those with a social worker or who act as a carer.

In our school, in 2023-24, we have 16% of children who receive pupil premium in one of the three above categories.  2.3% of our children are service children.

So how do we spend the money?

We publish a ‘Pupil Premium Strategy Statement’ each year; this is a statutory document and is written by the school’s leadership, including Governors, to ensure the funding provided goes towards meeting children’s needs.  This document actually sets out a 3 year plan running from 2022-23 academic year to the end of the 2024-25 academic year.

Our school priorities for the PP funding for the year ahead (2024-25) are:

  1. Ensuring all children in receipt of PP achieve in line with their peers in phonics, spelling, handwriting, times tables and arithmetic.
  2. All children have access to the planned broad and balanced curriculum which includes residentials, trips and visitors
  3. Those who need support with social and emotional issues receive this in the form of high quality nurture, ELSA or THRIVE.
  4. Attendance, for the few who are identified as persistently absent, improves so that children are in school more.
Our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement